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We all yearn for wishes: One, Two and Three
One, a millionaire is what I would be
To travel the world by boat or by plane
Or laze on the beaches of sunny old Spain
My beautiful yacht would make people stare
As I cruised on by, a breeze in my hair
My beloved would drive a red sports car
All over the country, to parts near and far
A house by the sea that we two could share
If only I could be a millionaire

Wish number two, a healer I'd be
Having the power to make the blind see
The crippled old lady who walks with a cane
Would be so content to feel no more pain
A touch of my hand would make people walk
The deaf might hear, the dumb they would talk
I would be so happy to have wish number two
Because my friends, that wish is for you

Wish number three I think it should be
A wish to be happy at just being me
I can see, I can hear, I can feel, I can touch
I am lucky that God has given so much
I may not have riches, diamonds or pearls
And I doubt if I'll marry a Duke or an Earl
A millionaire I'll just never be
But always I'll wish for One, Two and Three