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Here are some photos from Peter's early life


Peter was born in Bank Hall Maternity Hospital in Burnley...

...which now, ironically, provides dementia care!

Peter's maternal grandparents lived in a council bungalow at 6 Holmestrand Avenue, Burnley. He lived there as a baby until his parents managed to acquire their own property. Peter's grandad was a keen gardner and he kept the garden in such a pristine state that he won the prestigious Henderson Shield most years! Sad to see that the front garden has been tarmac'ed over. :(

At around the age of two, Peter was playing on his tricycle on Holmestrand Avenue, which is fairly steep. He remembers whizzing along, out of control, to be saved from certain disaster by his grandad coming home from work! :)

Peter's paternal grandparents lived in a council terrace at 470 Accrington Road, Burnley.
As a child it appeared very large and gothic with a painting of
"Jesus-the Light of the World" at the top of the stairs!
It seems a lot smaller now.

Peter spent most of his childhood at 14 Rosegrove Lane, Burnley.
Originally, it had an outside toilet and a tin bath, but his Dad converted the attic into a bathroom!

This used to be Redmond's, an early version of a supermarket.
Peter, as a child, was fascinated by the hand operated bacon slicer!

The party shop was a newsagent where Peter would take his thruppence a week spending money...
...to buy his Beano comic (and later TV 21-a sci-fi comic) supplemented with four-for-a-penny chews!
The chemist used to be the local butcher.
Peter, as a child, was also fascinated by the process of shaping butter and wire-slicing cheese!

This is the rear of 14 Rosegrove Lane...
The outside toilet/coal shed has been demolished to make a bigger "back yard"

Sunderland Street (just off Rosegrove Lane) is one of the places around which Peter used to play as a child.

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