Spoken by Irene:
The path seems desolate and barren
And darkness looms everywhere
Winds scream at you savagely
And won't wait to tangle your hair
You think it's the end of everything
Your wit and your courage all gone
That love has died to an ember
Well you're wrong dear, you are wrong
The sun shines down on everyone
Whilst the wind can drop to a breeze
Wit and courage lie in you
If you will only set it all free
Love floats all around you
It's there for your eyes to see
Have faith, your pain will diminish
Your old self soon you will be
God gave you mind and body
And watches to see how you fare
Don't weaken by sitting and crying
For tomorrow it may not be there
Take a good look in your mirror
Be thankful you're who you are
Some never see their reflection
Be brave and you will go far