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Billy Grey

Spoken by Irene:

Billy Grey stared blindly out to sea
A desolate figure, all alone was he
The wind cruelly whipping at his hair
Whispered go in, go in Billy if you dare

Anger burst from him, he started to curse
The sea and sky and all God's earth
As if possessed he dropped to the sands
Rolling around, his head in his hands

Sounds of the ocean beat at his brain
As waves washed over him again and again
Slowly he dragged himself to his feet
While every movement meant his defeat

Then he saw her hovering o'er the waves
Calmness took over as he looked on amazed
Her gossamer dress clung to her slight frame
Round her shoulders, hair thick as a mane

Her eyes they glowed with a beauty bright
Which made poor Billy, feel heady and light
Have no fear, for I am Queen of the sea
I pray that you will come back with me

He walked into the water, not knowing why
Her voice floated to him on a velvet sigh
I am waiting for you Billy, come, come to me
Without any struggle he sank beneath the sea

Some seagulls bravely bobbing on the waves
Knew not, nor cared, about poor Billy Grey