I survey myself in the mirror, no confidence I see
Just a great big jelly baby, staring back at me
Not another day please, cries this voice inside my head
I long to escape, but my body has turned to lead
People say I am lovely, at times I must agree
Bubbling and full of energy, as busy as a bee
Nothing can stop me, as I am in full flight
Burning so brightly until a draught blows out my light
I am a kaleidoscope, every movement a different me
Sometimes a savage temper, as stormy as the sea
Then a haughty lady with my nose high in the air
Trying lovely perfumes and pretty clothes to wear
In a flash I am a child, then everything pleases me
I skip and laugh with pleasure, that's how I love to be
Then I get a silent spell, when I must be alone
To fight a fit of depression, to which I am so prone
But now I want to dance and sing, I'm feeling full of glee
That's only half my characters, which one is really me?