Spoken by Irene:
My name is Mandy, I am Betsy's blue eyed doll
I have long blonde curls and can even sing a song
I am spoiled and pampered and don't mind at all
I'm a beautiful doll and at least two feet tall
Not plain and ugly like old golly over there
He hardly says a thing but just sits and stares
Then there is Bess with rat's tails for hair
She is quite plain and floppy but I don't care
And then there is Jimmy, he is horrid and so rude
He tells lots of jokes, he really is quite crude
I don't like any of them, they're not lovely like me
I have a little mirror so I can look and see
Betsy tells me lots of things, I listen to it all
Then when Betsy is sound asleep, I really have a ball
I have pride of place, for Betsy really cares
But all you other toys get bundled under the stairs
I hate being under the stairs wails rat tailed Bess
It isn't fair, why I never get a nice new dress
Betsy is spoiled, just like you Mandy, she cried
And each one of us remembers we were once Betsy's pride
Leave her alone, growled Teddy, let her enjoy her day
Who knows when it might end, then she too will be put away
Oh no, cried Mandy, that could never happen to me
Most children do it, said Teddy, you just wait and see
They love us so much, especially when we are new
Then along comes a new toy and then you are through
I think you are all nasty, but just you wait and see
Betsy will never, never get a doll as lovely as me
But she never saw the look that passed between them all
As they gazed at beautiful Mandy, at least two feet tall