Here are some photos from Irene and Peter's new build house
Of a weekend, Irene and Peter liked nothing more than to look around show homes for mobile homes and new builds. On one occasion, they were viewing one such show home and noticed that the builders were offering to take your current home as part exchange! The thought of having a brand new home built from scratch sounded very appealing, so after a great deal of thought and financial planning, they decided to go for it!
Here is the building site, with a view down the close with the plot on the right.
On the next visit, you can see the foundations taking shape. The picture shows a view from the front right... is a view from the front left...
...from the side rear...
...and from the side front
For some context, here is where the kitchen will be...
...where the lounge will be...
...and where the double garage will be.
On the next visit, the build had progressed apace. We can see the double garage and "library" taking shape. Here is Irene holding up the wall! 8)
The side entrance to the utility room (effectively our back door) Irene appears to be guarding the Electricity and Gas meters! 8)
Here's the kitchen - they were very flexible and let us change the original layout. We decided to have a window instead of patio doors so that we could have more units. Irene says "Hello" 8)
The dining room is between the lounge (on the left) and kitchen (on the right)
Here is the lounge with patio doors to the rear...
...and the front of the lounge with the main entrance on the left
On our next visit, the scaffolding had started to go up.
This rear view encompasses the lounge, dining room and kitchen.
On a subsequent visit, the build had made good progress. This is the inside of the lounge looking towards the front The door to the entrance hall is on the right.
Another visit - the first floor is taking shape.
Next time we visited, they were up to the first floor! Left to right, bedrooms 3, 4, 5 and 1 (we decided to combine 5 and 1 into one master bedroom)
They were also laying the foundations for the rear wall.
The roof is well underway.
Next time that we checked, it was beginning to look like a house!
Here's Irene, inspecting the double garage! 8)
Here's the top soil for the rear gardens.
On the next visit, you can see that they have changed the kitchen patio doors to a window. Also, the rear of the roof had been tiled...
...and they had almost finished the tiling of the roof at the front! The upstairs dormer windows are (from the left): En-suite (Irene's) bathroom; Second (Peter's) bathroom; (Irene's) Craft room and Bedroom 2 (Peter's office)
Here, the rear boundary wall is taking shape.
On this visit, we could see that the windows and doors were in place. They had also started planting bushes to screen us from the road... ...they are now a dense copse!
With the rear fences in place, the build is pretty much complete!
Moving inside the property, the kitchen is taking shape...
...and here it is after we moved in!
A view from within Irene's bathroom with her gold plated taps! 8)...
...the master bedroom...
...and the landing with a bead curtain to Irene's craft room.
Mark used his camcorder to record this video documentary of Farthings He also edited the video to add music and titles - great job! 8)
Nineteen ninety four turned out to be a great year for Irene and Peter and the cherry on the cake was to be told that Irene had been in remission for one year! 8)