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The Little Piano

The little piano could remember when the finishing touches were at last completed, and the loving hands that had worked on him. The pride in the man's eyes, he who was called Mr Gilbert. The times he had stepped back and tut-tutted, "No, you are not quite ready yet, my beauty!" he would exclaim, "Just some more buffing here, oh and here" and then he was ready.
"You are", said Mr Gilbert, "my very best piece of work yet, and I have made a few pianos in my time. You have been a very patient little piano." The piano received a loving stroke. He ran his fingers along the keys, such a lovely sound!
Mr Gilbert called the rest of the men. "Well, what do you think?" he asked. The two other men were very impressed, and exclaimed aloud. "You have done yourself proud, Mr Gilbert", said one of them, "Why it's the loveliest little piano I have seen. You shouldn't have any trouble selling this one."
Mr Gilbert was very proud, and said "Well I don't have to sell it, because it's already sold!"
"What!" chorused the other two, "Sold? To whom?"
Mr Gilbert's eyes gleamed. "The last two pianos were bought by that huge store down the High Street. Remember ?" The two men nodded.
"Well the Manager was so pleased with them that he told me to sell any others I make to them."
"When will the little piano go to the Big Store then?", said one of the men.
"Tomorrow afternoon", said Mr Gilbert, "now all I've got to do is to phone the manager and he will want it in his store. They knew I'd nearly finished the little piano and told me to ring straight away." Mr Gilbert rubbed his hands, very pleased with himself.
The next afternoon some men carefully put the little piano onto a truck. Mr Gilbert's eyes were rather shiny as he bade farewell to the little piano and the removal men.
Meanwhile, the little piano was half unhappy at leaving the kind Mr Gilbert and half happy and excited at the thought of a new place to go to.
Once in the truck, the little piano remembered Mr Gilbert saying some time ago, "Someone will be very happy when they buy you, little piano. You look so handsome, all shiny and black and your badge in gold letters with the word Gilbert's on it. Yes, you won't be in that store for long. Soon you will be in a grand room in someone's house and be their pride and joy, I've no doubt. Just you wait and see!"
When the truck stopped, the little piano was lifted off and very carefully taken into a bright place. The men carried it past all kinds of furniture, right through the store, into a corner next to some instruments such as drums, guitars and a couple of other pianos, not as small and pretty as the little piano. They were very large, one being white and the other dark brown.
The little piano looked around him, feeling very nervous, and a little lost. He half hoped to see Mr Gilbert's kind face there, but knew he had to be very brave. After all, he couldn't let Mr Gilbert down, so he cheered himself up.
He noticed the store was very large, so large that he couldn't see through to the main doors, and he felt very warm. You see the little piano felt good in the warmth. He loved all the bright lights and enjoyed watching so many people moving in and around the furniture.
A large man was coming towards him, followed by another man, somewhat smaller. "So this is the little piano", said the large man, "What a little beauty it is too! Gilbert's eh? Oh yes, Mr Gilbert makes wonderful pianos. Shouldn't expect to see it here for very long. What do you say Mr Pimm?"
The little Mr Pimm nodded his head. "Yes Mr Cross, it's a lovely little piano." Both men moved on, talking to each other.
"And what have we here?", boomed a voice, startling the little piano. "A newcomer, eh?" It was the dark brown piano speaking. "And who made you then? Gilbert's? You're a grand little piano, to be sure. What do you say Snowy? Say hello to our newcomer."
"Why hello there little piano", said Snowy, "We hope you will be happy here."
"Hello", said the little piano, "Hello to the both of you."
"My name is Snowy and this is Marmite. The manager calls him Marmite, so now we all do. Why don't we call you Little One", said Snowy to the little piano.
"Yes", said Marmite, "that sounds good, Little One it is then. Welcome Little One."
So the little piano settled down and the weeks and months slipped by. He grew used to everyone and saw lots of comings and goings, but still Marmite and Snowy remained.
It was a cold and wintry day, sometime in February, when Mr Cross came over with a customer. He was telling a very well dressed man about his three Gilbert's pianos. "Yes, they are very nice", exclaimed the customer, "I must say I do like the little one, but my son would prefer a larger piano, so I would like to try your dark brown one please."
"Certainly sir", said Mr Cross, and the well-dressed man sat on the stool and ran his fingers up and down Marmite's keys. Snowy and the little piano watched to see what would happen. After a while, the man and Mr Cross walked away. Then Mr Cross came up and put a SOLD ticket on Marmite's lid.
"Well, you will be gone in an hour", he said, and walked away.
Snowy and the little piano were very pleased for Marmite. "I am sure you are going to a good home", said the little piano.
"Yes", said Snowy, "So am I." But when the men came to take Marmite away, they both felt rather upset. "Goodbye", said the little piano. "Goodbye", mumbled Snowy.
They watched as Marmite, having said goodbye in a nervous voice, was taken away. "He will be all O.K.", said Snowy, "Now there are just the two of us."
The first few days they missed Marmite, but then they gradually settled down. Soon they were watching the comings and goings in the store again.
It was about five weeks later that a couple came into the store, a young couple. They were studying the little piano and Snowy. The young lady sat down and started to play, running her fingers over Snowy's keys.
"This is a lovely piano, David", she said, "What do you think?"
"Well it is up to you, Darling", the man said, "You are the pianist. What about this one?"
"Oh yes!", said the lady, and started to play.
The little piano felt so good to have someone playing him, especially when they could play so well.
"What do you think Darling?", said David.
"Well, do you know, I think I would love to have this little black one. It is a beauty, as well as being good to play."
The little piano was, by now, very excited.
Mr Cross was talking to the young couple.
Darling was saying, "It's very expensive, David, I don't know what to say."
"Well I do", said David, "I can well afford it, and I know how you need a good piano. Just think, you will be able to practice now for all your school concerts at home, instead of having to go to your mother's up the road."
"I would love it!", she cried, "Thank you David, thank you!"
They walked off with Mr Cross, who seemed very pleased with himself.
"Let's go into the office", said Mr Cross.
Left alone, the little piano said to Snowy, "If they buy me, you will be all alone."
"Nonsense!", cried Snowy, "I have the whole store to look at. And anyway, there will be other pianos sent here. I am happy for you Little One, don't you worry about me."
But the little piano knew he would miss his pal Snowy, and he felt a little sad.
Mr Cross came back and put a SOLD ticket on the little piano.
"You will be off in two days' time", said he, talking to himself.
Turning to look at Snowy, he said, "Well that just leaves you, and I don't mind not selling you, I don't mind at all!
Mr Pimm, not far away, heard Mr Cross talking to himself, so he sidled up close. "Did you say something, Mr Cross?", said Mr Pimm.
"I was just talking to myself. I was saying that I don't mind not selling this white piano..."
"Snowy", interrupted Mr Pimm, "Snowy is what I've always called this piano."
"Well Snowy then!", cried Mr Cross, who was always a little peeved if anyone interrupted him. "I've always fancied this piano. He would look grand in my parlour, and when the family all come over, which they do a lot, we could have a good old sing-song."
"That sounds lovely", said Mr Pimm, who sounded just a little bit envious, because he lived in a small flat.
"You know", continued Mr Cross, "I have thought of this before, but now that the other two are sold, I might just do that. I shall talk to Mrs Cross tonight." And with that, they sauntered off in the direction of some customers.
"Well, did you hear that?", cried the little piano, "It looks like you may have a home with Mr Cross. Would that please you?"
"Oh yes!", said Snowy, "We all like Mr Cross. I think that would make me very happy indeed. I do love the sound of lots of people all gathered around me and singing.
"You have had this happen before then?", quizzed the little piano, "People singing around you?"
"Well no", said Snowy, "I mean I'm sure I would like it."
And so they both settled down feeling a whole lot happier, both waiting for the morning to see what would be the outcome of Mr Cross's talk with his wife.
When Mr Cross arrived the next morning, he and Mr Pimm were talking to each other for some time, and then they disappeared into the office.
"What do you think Little One, I feel really on edge."
"Let's wait and see", said the little piano. So they waited and waited.
At around five p.m., two men came into the store, and went over to Mr Cross.
After about an hour, when the big store was being closed for the night, Mr Cross and the two men came over to the two pianos.
"This is the one", said Mr Cross, "The white piano. Be very careful putting it onto the truck. I shall drive behind you. Mrs Cross is waiting at home, she is looking forward to the piano coming.
Snowy and the little piano were quite excited. "I say", said Snowy, "Look after yourself Little One. You know I shall miss you terribly."
"And I shall miss you, Snowy", said the little piano.
The men had lifted Snowy up and were taking him to the big doors.
"Goodbye!", called Snowy, "I shall always remember you."
"Goodbye!", called out the little piano, "Goodbye Snowy", and then the doors closed shut for the night.
The little piano felt very unhappy and lonely. Now that Marmite and Snowy were both gone, he felt silly standing all alone, and he felt lost. But then, being of a good and happy nature, he decided not to mope too much, but to wait and see what would happen to him tomorrow. So he settled down and let the murmurings of the guitars and furniture lull him through the night.
When the store came to life, he felt a whole lot better, especially when Mr Pimm asked Mr Cross how Snowy was, and was Mrs Cross happy with him.
"My wife was very pleased with Snowy", said Mr Cross, "He stands in pride of place near the window, overlooking our back garden. My wife was practicing last night, and she loves the white piano."
"Snowy!", amended Mr Pimm.
After that, the little piano was happy, and when it was his turn to be taken to David and Darling's house, he was ready and excited.
David showed the men where to put the little piano, and Darling exclaimed aloud, "Ooh! You are gorgeous, my little piano". She cried with joy, and the little piano knew real happiness. When Darling ran her fingers over his keys and played some Chopin, the little piano thought that he would burst with pride.
And so the little piano settled down and became David and Darling's pride and joy, and although he often thought of Marmite and Snowy, and the store, and of course Mr Gilbert, the little piano knew that this was where he was loved and where he wanted to belong.
The End.

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