Home   Poetry   <The Graveyard   The Violet>


Emily, Emily, with hair black as jet
Eyes cold as diamonds, I love you yet
You treat me like a puppet, keep me on a string
Not caring how you hurt me, or the pain you bring

You flutter around men, like a moth to a flame
They all want to own you, but you have no shame
When I hold you near me, my body turns to fire
You say that you love me, I know you for a liar

Emily, Emily, don't play around with men
One day when you're old, you'll be no use to them
Flaunting and taunting, using all your charms
Yet here I am waiting to have you in my arms

There never was a woman who hurt me like you do
A kiss from your soft lips, I forget, it is no use
My brain keeps telling me to run far away
But my heart won't let me, around her I must stay

Emily, Emily, so you have fallen in love
What does it feel like, my beautiful dove?
The pain and the jealousy on your face it does tell
He just doesn't want you, he loves someone else

Your eyes burn with fever when you look at him
You just won't believe, his love you can't win
Laughing and drinking, you are playing a game
My heart aches to watch you, a flickering flame

Emily, Emily, with hair white as snow
Your neat little placard reads, "I love you so"