Home   Poetry   <To God   The Graveyard>

Mark and Debbie

So young was Debbie, so young and yet so wise
She hid her love carefully, under a good disguise
Pretending not to notice and even not to care
If Mark stood before her, she simply tossed her hair

They met in a country, far across the sea
Just outside town were miles of bush and trees
Mark and his parents owned a restaurant far away
Debbie was taken there to laze in the sun and play

He was very bronzed, lithe and rather tall
Spending a lot of his time, by the swimming pool
In their different ways, they were very shy
Then came the day, on a plane Mark had to fly

Some months later and much to Debbie's delight
She learned that she was leaving, her heart it felt so light
But alas she wasn't happy, for she was forced to roam
All around the country, living in different homes

Then fate took a hand, for they came face to face
Everything was forgotten, as their hearts began to race
Their love bloomed like an orchid, precious and rare
Exploring different places, happy without a care

Although a little older, their love is diamond clear
Facing life together, through laughter and through tears
But they will never forget, that place far overseas
How they met and fell in love and how it came to be