Alone I sit amongst all my empty memories
When I have gone they will cry shame
Do they really believe they had more than I?
Too late to turn back for the clock moves onwards
When I turned to him did he answer my pleas?
You out there in your boxes great and small
No hand reaches out to guide you, blindly you move
Like sheep you all follow, but you don't really care
Discontent and greed that's what you all share
The pompous and bloated, all are easy prey
With their bottles of fine wine and shiny cars
How long will it last, it's there in your eyes
Hell walks beside us in many a disguise
Where have all the kids gone, the streets are bare
They hide in their holes with needles poised
Just a little pin prick, there isn't that nice?
Painted young faces with no sign of respect
Stand on street corners with young old eyes
What has happened to the world out there?
You can have what is left, for now I don't care
The bottle stands empty, not one pill remains
Soon even memories will wither and fade
I stagger and fall, my limbs turn to stone
Then darkness descends, I die all alone