Week commencing Sunday 11th March 2001

Sunday 11th March

Today is our trip to the Bang Pa-In (or Summer Palace). This is a stop-off on the way to the palace. There are many Buddhist temples here to allow the poor people to experience wealth beyond their dreams for a short period!

What have we here ?

Oh, right, elephants !

We were impressed by this flower display.

The palace was mostly ruined (by Burmese invaders), but there are some buildings intact.

These statues are all very similar, with real silk garments !

After our trip to the Summer palace, we returned to our hotel via a river cruise.
We had a great time with these two Americans - they certainly took to Irene !

Monday 12th March

This is the bar at the Oriental Hotel - cool decor !

The staircase leads from the tea room to a private suite. Peter got to the third step before he was captured by the swat team and politely informed that this was a PRIVATE suite 8-)

Tuesday 13th March

One of the many eating places at the hotel. We couldn't quite manage the huge toasted chicken sandwich with fries, and it didn't help that the sandwich actually came with fries too !

After making the mistake of 'looking around' Bangkok town, we returned to sanctuary for an afternoon doze (well at least Peter did !)

Wednesday 14th March

Approaching Australia at last !

Sydney is bottom right.

Thursday 15th March

Alexanders is our favourite place - this little delicacy is called Spicy Potato Wedges with Sour Cream and Chilli sauce - awesome !
The place stays open 24 hours, seemingly for our convenience, and the service is excellent.

This is the view from our room in the 'Sheraton on the Park' hotel...

...and from the other window 8-)

The shower may not look much, but it was HUGE !

Friday 16th March

The view by day - Hyde Park in the foreground, Sydney Harbour in the distance - cool !

Walkabout around Darling Harbour - whoosh !

The moment we've been waiting for - the famous Doyles Fish Restaurant.
This picture was taken from our table at the corner of the outside dining area. You can just make out the Opera House in the background.

This is the Riverboat - lit up like a Christmas tree - it goes out every evening with dinner and cabaret. We hope to give it a go soon !

Two John Dory's and a couple of chips, please !
Best fish we've tasted in years (The wine wasn't bad either !).

Saturday 17th March

This is our serviced studio in the York Apartments, where Citibank put us up in 1990.
Lounge area with TV and video. Patio with table and chairs outside leading to a fair sized drop (9th floor). Kitchen area with breakfast bar on the right.

Kitchen area again, sleeping area, hi-fi unit and door to bathroom.

Bathroom with shower. Out of view is laundry area providing washing machine and tumble dryer. (They think of everything !)

Darling Harbour as dusk approaches.

Tonight we eat Indian food. This is Zaffrane, with an incredible outlook over Darling Harbour.
It is extremely popular - by 8:30pm there were no vacant tables left !

Right then, let's be off !
