Week commencing Sunday 25th June 2000

Sunday 25th June

We decided to check out the Sony Multiplex Cinema just south of Market Street...
...unfortunately, the whole street was cordoned off for the 30th Annual San Francisco Gay Pride march !

It was an enormous parade - seemed to go on for ever !
There were ambulances, police cars, fire trucks and lots of home made floats - really spectacular !

We finally found a Muni entrance that allowed us to get to the south side and slipped into this bar that sells outsized Margueritas 8-)

Must be the local police bar - these guys were having a good time !

Didn't come out quite as well as expected, but this display gave the times around the world with a running mannequin alongside.

Monday 26th June

Lori's 50s Diner had this working original playing rock and roll 45s !

Tuesday 27th June

Caught this guy painting the pavement 8-)
(He's another street performer, really)

Decided to try the Fish Restaurant at Fisherman's Wharf this evening...

Who's this gorgeous bird, then ? 8-)

The view from the restaurant over the bay as the light gradually disappears.

You laughing at me ? 8-)

This was the nearest we could get to Haddock. Apparently it's called Halibut 8-)

Bet you couldn't do this !
(Took Peter ages to balance the salt cellar on a cork
long enough to take a picture)

Wednesday 28th June

Lori's 50s Diner for brunch today.
They have a collection of old (working) radios - amazing place !

Thursday 29th June

Out and about in San Francisco again today...

The 'bumper car' in the centre of the photo is what the traffic police use to get around !

Check out this cool planter with a miniature 'Golden Gate Bridge' !

Oh no, not another Mustang picture 8-)

This huge palm tree is growing out of the courtyard of this apartment building !

Friday 30th June

Well OK, it's another Mustang, but this one's convertible...
...and it's a lovely green colour 8-)

Saturday 1st July

Looks like there's more than one Lori's 50s Diner...

This one's got a car, sliced laterally in half pinned to a wall - cool !

Also, has a biplane hanging from the ceiling !

...and lots of 50s memorabilia !
