Week commencing Sunday 18th June 2000

Sunday 18th June

Out and about in San Francisco today...

Union square has an art exhibition today, so we thought we'd take a look.

We noticed this Irish bar on our travels previously, so finally decided to give it a go.
The barman came from Southern Ireland originally, but emigrated here and loves it.
Peter tried a pint of Guiness and it wasn't bad at all !

The pub had this mural of famous Irish dudes. We recognised Oscar Wilde second from left, but leave the rest as an exercise for the viewer 8-)

Washington Square also had an art exhibition. They had some strange metal sculptures like this guitar player !

This church is also on Washington Square. We thought it looked quite impressive.

Monday 19th June

Weekdays, we normally split up for the afternoon. Irene has a look round the shops and Peter gets on with the Documentary and Web Design work. At 4pm we normally meet for a drink in the Gold Dust Lounge...

Their decor includes these exhibits of coins and notes from around the world...

...more foreign currency !

We met these German ladies who both had birthdays today !

Ooh look, another Harley 8-)

Tuesday 20th June

Back to the Gold Dust Lounge - Irene couldn't decide whether to have wine or champagne, so she got both !

This guy's acting was also a bit wooden !

Off to a Thai restaurant near chinatown...

...cool building on the way down from Nob Hill to Chinatown.

and one of the tall buildings in the Financial district near Chinatown.

The famous Wooden Bridge tourist attraction 8-)

Wednesday 21th June

Another day at rest in the apartment...

This is Irene posing on our creaky bed !

This is the 'Nerve Centre' of the whole operation 8-)
The ghetto blaster was used to play back mp3s downloaded via Napster (personal consumption only of course !)

Thursday 22th June

We tried to get Peter in here, but they didn't have any vacancies 8-)

We thought that this cool ceiling was worth a snap !

This guy seemed to be immobile - maybe he was only a model !

Friday 23th June

Off to Fisherman's Wharf today...

Irene posing on ANOTHER hill !

This is the view looking down from Nob Hill towards Market Street.
Wouldn't like to be in an out of control wheelchair on this hill 8-)

Oh, it's only a dozen blocks or so - doesn't look very far, we'll walk it !
Turns out to be a false horizon - when we got to where we thought the wharf would be, we look down an even bigger hill for another dozen blocks 8-(

This coffee bar had just opened, so we decided to give it a go - the coffee was foul, but the service was great !

Finally made it to the cablecar terminal - not far now !

Fisherman's Wharf - this steel band were really good !

On the famous Pier 39 - there are various bridges connecting the sides together upstairs - mainly restaurants.

Back to the cablecar terminal where this juggler was entertaining the queues of people waiting for the cablecar.
These 'Street Entertainers' take it in turns to perform, and they make a fair amount of money from each performance !

Saturday 24th June

We heard an enormous BANG, saw a puff of smoke and this was the only thing left of the guy who had been standing there !
Looks like another case of spontaneous explosion 8-)
We certainly won't be eating at McDonalds !

This is the outside of the Gold Dust Lounge - one of our drinking dens !

Hey, wait a minute, we've seen this flag before...

Finally found Irene taking part in our favourite hobby 8-)
