Week commencing Sunday 4th June 2000

Sunday 4th June

Today, we decided to check out Pier 39 at Fisherman's Wharf, where there is apparently some sort of fair...

This cartoon character was trying to stop us from having our brunch at Curly's, but we sneaked round the back 8-)

These views are from the same high point, one looking towards the east and the other towards the bay to the north.

Crystal Geyser (pronounced Guys-Urrr here 8-) sponsored various acts to perform on Pier 39 at Fisherman's Wharf today.
This guy is juggling sabres !

This full-size merry-go-round was doing great trade on the pier !

On the way back, we noticed this strange sight - at the top of the incline is what looks like the entrance to a castle !

Monday 5th June

We have to pack today, so decided to check out this local place - the Crocker Galleria. This is about the only mall in the financial district.

Today we finally move to our apartment in Nob Hill !

This place is great after being in a cramped hotel room. We have our own kitchen, with coffee maker and grinder, king-size fridge/freezer, gas oven/hob and toaster - should be able to produce some culinary works of art here !

The owner provided a 'welcome pack' including some seriously good 'Columbia Vintage Crop' coffee 8-)

However, they don't seem to have electric kettles here - we have a whistling, stove top version !

Tuesday 6th June

This is the sleeping area with pull-down bed. The entrance to the kitchen is on the left.

For Peter, this is the most important part of the apartment - the TV with full cable access and the office area with a 768K DHCP link. This is an order of magnitude faster than our usual 56k modem connection. The increased speed is most noticable when displaying images on a web page and also when downloading mp3 music files - lightning fast !

This stained glass window in the bathroom looks great in the morning !

The entrance lobby to the Pierre Suites taken from just outside our apartment (on the right).

One of two entrances in Pine Street (our side of the building is 835)

This is our view of one of the many garden areas. Note the fountain in the centre !

You can check out the Pierre Suites at: http://www.pierre-suites.com

Wednesday 7th June

OK, we've got the apartment pretty much straight, so it's off to investigate the area...

We found this 50s style diner only two blocks away !

This neon trimmed motor bike was on the wall just above our heads whilst we were eating !

These two salads are actually a single salad split between two !
The portions here are rather large to say the least 8-)

Nearly forget, we get free use of their laundry room with washers and dryers. They even provide washing powder and bounce for the dryer !

Thursday 8th June

Back to the Nordstrom mall...

We found this patisserie in the mall serving decent coffee and a big selection of VERY naughty cakes 8-)

Whilst Irene looks around the mall, Peter is off to check out an internet cafe to upload Week 4 of the documentary, since the link at the apartment does not support direct ftp (file transfer).
On the way he decides that, since the road is clear, he will cross over to the other side against a red light.
Well, out pops Mr Policeman, complete with macho shades and attitude to inform the recalcitrant Brit that it would be unwise to repeat the jaywalking exercise since that would involve a $75 spot fine. Oops 8-)

Just round the corner from Union Square we found this old lady in a wheelchair. She rescues stray cats and looks after them. Irene gave her some money to help.

This is the view to the north of Union Square.

This is the front entrance to Lori's 50s Diner.
We know that there's only two more blocks to go when we get here - phew !

This is the junction of Powell and Pine, the cablecars stop right next to our apartment, in the middle of a junction, and you have to leap on whilst avoiding being hit by traffic going by on either side. Good fun !

It's even more fun when there are only outside places left.
We went all the way up to Fisherman's Wharf with Peter hanging on to the cablecar with one hand and to Irene with the other, as cars whizzed by !

Oh No ! Not ANOTHER impressive looking building 8-)

This might look like just another cafe, but it's actually a Thai restaurant that serves really good food !

Friday 9th June

Friday is the day, we go to 'the Safeway'...

Irene thought this house looked pretty cute with the window boxes and all.

We thought these mega-sized ice cream tubs worthy of a snap 8-)

...and we were sure glad the 'Pork Butt Roast' was fresh !

Back to the 50s grill. They have a pristine condition Edsel in the middle of the room !

Mr Policeman Badger here was keeping an eye on the tourists queueing up for the cablecar at Powell and Market, in case they did anything naughty !

SF has its share of nutters as this religious zealot testifies !

Irene is in her element in this cut-price shoe shop !

Friday night is amateur night, so Peter decided to make Chilli Con Carne.
It was so good that there wasn't any left to photograph !
Luckily there was enough left over for another meal, so we put it in the freezer 8-)

Saturday 10th June

These things make more noise than a punk concert !
Not only do they have a shrieking siren, but they also make a deafening honking noise.
Talk about 'Over the Top' !

We've found another place that knows which type of pasta is supposed to go with bolognese sauce!
And they certainly know how to make a Thai pizza !!

Well what have we here ?
Fortnum & Mason of Piccadilly, London !

Back to Union Square where they are having a Russian festival.
Some of the dancers were really good !

This impressive building is across the road from our apartment.
It's called the 'Nob Hill Circle' !
